Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spinal Surgery Recovery

Hello from Solitary Confinement

Its not so bad in here, I only call it that to guilt Mum and Dad into giving me more treats. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Mum's job is weight control - I am not allowed to put any weight on because it will make it harder for me to get back to walking. Dad's job is entertainment and he's great at giving me treats if I ask nicely.

I'm doing well. I can walk on my own - the physio says some dogs can't do that. And I can toilet independently. So right now, I'm allowed a 3-5 min potter around the lawn on lead to toilet. If I'm on anything slippery, I need to have a towel under my belly to make sure I don't slip. And I have a series of standing exercises and stretches to do. Sometimes, I don't want to, and I go back to my crate without doing my exercises. Of course, if there were more treats on offer.....

Misty is still really confused about what's going on. She's not allowed anywhere near me in case she knocks me over. Here's some photos from Sunday - Mum says I need to have some sunshine and let me out on the grass. I had a bit of a roll around to scratch my scar.

Misty stayed with Dad - she's starting to be a good baby (at last). She's keeping Mum and Dad company when I can't and doing a great job.

I'll see you later. Off to have a sleep.

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