Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pathology Results - 3rd December 2009

Well, Dr Rod left a message and Mum rang him back as soon as she could. 

And received very bad news.

The margins around the tumour, despite being large, were not clear of cancer cells. Which means some of the cancer cells have been left behind. 

I need treatment with radiation. Dr Rod tells Mum I will need 19 treatments, starting as soon as possible. He emails mum an information sheet explaining the way the treatment works, the side effects and what will happen.

Mum rings Dad and shares the bad news.

They are both upset when they get home from work. I do my best to cheer them up, but they both look sad as they talk about the radiation treatment and whether or not they will give me the treatment.

Dr Rod makes an appointment for us on Monday morning (the 7th). We will talk to him and Dr Val, the radiation specialist, and if we proceed, we start Monday.

Another long, long weekend.

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